Carol Wong (Curriculum Leader) BMSA Project

Carol Wong

Ms. Carol Wong graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts majoring in Contemporary Dance Choreography and Pedagogy.

After graduation, she became a freelance dance artist and teacher, working in different schools, organizations and renowned dance companies in Hong Kong.

In 2008-2013, she then joined the Education and Outreach Department of the Hong Kong Ballet as education administrator, and joined the Cultural Services Unit of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups as executive assistant, to help organizing dance and singing programs and events, acappella festivals, training classes, lectures and workshops for kids to adults. After that, she decided to have a new challenge to work in Lululemon Athletica, the world’s famous yoga outfit company, as the assistant manager of the Tsim Sha Tsui Showroom in 2013-2014.

Surprisingly, soap making was her hobby from 2011, and she loved to share this to others. She then set up her facebook page “Soapmate” and started her workshop and soap business in 2014, after she took a Soapmaker Start Up Camp program from a local soap brand “So Soap+”. She becomes the soapmaker of the company and helps teaching around field. Carol, being a soapmaker, not only because of the beauty of soap, but also the eco-friendly aspect of soap, which she thinks will make our world become a better one.

She has joined the Institute of Brain and Mind Education (IBME) since November 2016, taking up the role as Chief Executive Assistant. Apart from coordinating the administrative work of hosting the “International Brain and Mind Expos” and various workshops, she wishes to experience and learn how Brain-Based Learning can help in personal development and also as a parenting strategy. Furthermore, she hopes that her past teaching and administrative experience can contribute to the positive growth of IBME team.

Joint Campaign - 八達通產品及時尚飾物

MiMetro Jewelry 提供一系列嶄新、時尚、別具玩味並可隨意互換的配飾、鎖匙扣等,完美配合顧客每天不同的衣著和心情。 配飾可單獨配帶, 也可發揮創意, 與手袋甚至其他產品襯托使用。 MiMetro 八達通配飾是正式被授權認可的 《成人八達通產品》, 透過 MiMetro 產品系列顧客可感受到全新並時尚的消費體驗。 詳情 : 在 MiMetro 配飾的生產過程中, 我們加入了多種物料以提升設計及獨特性, 包括不銹鋼、醋酸纖維、皮革、牛仔布、水晶、貝母, 等等。 大膽使用不同的物料, 大大提高 MiMetro 配飾的可玩性。

MiMetro 提供以下「正義聯盟」產品 :

  • 「正義聯盟」系列八達通
  • 「正義聯盟」系列超人及蝙蝠俠公仔皮套

MiMetro 提供以下時尚掛飾產品 :

  • 八達通掛飾
  • 流蘇飾物
  • 頸鏈掛飾


15/F, Block B, Tung Chong Factory Building, 653~659 King’s Road, Hong Kong